Консультація Gynecology


it is ZDRAVO to take care about your health


Gynecologist in Odesa

Any girl is recommended to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months for a preventive examination. As a rule, it should be started from adolescence. Preventive visits are very important, because it allows you to prevent the disease at an early stage, detect pathology or simply make sure that there is no threat. The earlier the problem is detected, the faster it will be solved.

If you notice the following symptoms, you should contact a gynecologist as soon as possible:

• Itching, burning.

• Heavy menstruation, the duration of which is more than 6-10 days.

• Itching, rash, unpleasant odor, discharge, burning are noted in the genital area.

• Pain in the lower abdomen.

• Delayed menstruation.

• Acute, chronic, pulling pains in the pelvis, lumbar region.

• Pain during urination.

• Genetic predisposition to malignant neoplasms of the organs of the reproductive system.

• Problems with conceiving a child, miscarriage.

• Sexual disorders, pain during sexual life.

How to prepare for a visit to a private gynaecologist?

Many women feel uncomfortable when visiting a gynaecologist. If you prepare in advance, this will not happen. So what should you look for before visiting a gynaecologist?

1. Before going to the doctor, you need to empty your bladder and intestines. After all, the doctor may have difficulty palpating, and you are likely to feel pain.

2. You should take a shower or bath, put on fresh underwear. Douching is prohibited, because neither the examination nor the smear will provide complete information about the microflora. It is undesirable to use intimate deodorants and perfumes.

3. You should not have sexual intercourse within three days before visiting a gynaecologist. Seminal fluid remaining in the vagina, even in the smallest amount, will not allow for reliable tests. 

4. Do not drink alcohol the day before visiting a gynaecologist. 

5. Taking antibiotics for two weeks before visiting a gynaecologist can also affect the reliability of the tests.

6. The first days after the end of menstruation are the best time to visit a doctor. Examinations are not performed during menstruation, except in case of emergency, severe pain or heavy bleeding.

Remember that regular check-ups and examinations by a gynaecologist are the key to your confidence in your own health. Every woman should be examined by a gynaecologist every six months, and this visit should be made regular.

Make an appointment

Gynecologist in Odesa. What diseases does he treat:

• Erosion of the cervix (leads to colpitis, cervicitis).

• Vaginal candidiasis (or thrush).

• Sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis).

• Inflammatory diseases of a non-specific nature (cervix, ovaries, vaginitis).

• Endometriosis (occurs in 10% of the female population in the world.).

• Ovarian cyst (requires treatment - hormonal drugs or surgery).

• Dysplasia of the cervix (in 90% of cases, the cause of dysplasia and cervical cancer is infection with the human papilloma virus).

• Myoma of the uterus (benign hormone-dependent tumor in the muscle layer of the uterus).

• Female infertility (as a rule, it is a complication of female diseases).

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Багато захворювань можна виявити та попередити на ранніх стадіях. Щоб вчасно дізнатися про негативні зміни і симптоми та попередити наслідки, необхідно пройти комплексний check-up. Перевірка загального стану організму (на англ. Check Up) – набір певних діагностичних процедур для виявлення хвороби на ранній стадії. Медики рекомендують робити це щорічно, починаючи з 18 років, незалежно від статі, віку та способу життя.

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