Consultation Ultrasound in Odessa

by appointment

it is ZDRAVO to take care about your health


Doppler and ultrasound of the kidneys 1000
Doppler blood vessels of the head and neck 900
Doppler head vessels 500
Doppler leg veins 800
Doppler of hand veins 500
Doppler of leg arteries 900
Doppler of the arteries of one leg 500
Doppler of the arteries of the hands 500
Doppler of the veins of one leg 450
Doppler of veins and arteries of hands 900
Doppler vessels of the neck 500
Kidney Doppler 800
Nirki's ultrasound + supranirnices 500
Rectal ultrasound of the prostate gland 600
Soft tissue ultrasound - 1 zone 400
Transabdominal ultrasound of the uterus and ovaries 600
Ultrasonography Duplex scanning of neck vessels + thyroid gland 900
Ultrasonography Kidneys + adrenal glands + bladder with determination of residual urine + prostate gland 1100
Ultrasonography Kidneys + adrenal glands + bladder with determination of residual urine + prostate gland + scrotum 1400
Ultrasonography of the ankle joint 400
Ultrasonography of the hip joint 450
Ultrasonography of the kidneys + bladder with determination of residual urine 550
Ultrasonography of the penis 500
Ultrasonography of the salivary glands 400
Ultrasonography of the scrotum 500
Ultrasonography of the shoulder joint 450
Ultrasonography of the testicle (testicles) 500
Ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics) of the heart 900
Ultrasound Breasts + uterus + ovaries intravaginally 1000
Ultrasound Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck 500
Ultrasound examination of intrauterine device insertion 300
Ultrasound Folliculometry - 1 session 400
Ultrasound Liver + gallbladder + bile ducts 400
Ultrasound mammary glands 500
Ultrasound mammary glands, uterus, ovaries transabdominally 1000
Ultrasound of pregnancy up to 10 weeks 600
Ultrasound of the bladder with determination of residual urine 350
Ultrasound of the bladder with the determination of residual urine + prostate + scrotum 1000
Ultrasound of the gallbladder 300
Ultrasound of the gallbladder, trial breakfast 600
Ultrasound of the kidneys 400
Ultrasound of the knee joint 450
Ultrasound of the liver + gallbladder + bile ducts + pancreas + spleen + portal system vessels 900
Ultrasound of the lungs 350
Ultrasound of the pleural cavity 300
Ultrasound of the prostate gland + bladder with determination of residual urine 750
Ultrasound of the scrotum 500
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland 500
Ultrasound of the uterus + ovaries + bladder 600
Ultrasound of the uterus + ovaries intravaginally 600
Ultrasound Thyroid gland + mammary glands + uterus + ovaries intravaginally 1200
Ultrasound Thyroid gland + mammary glands + uterus + ovaries transabdominally 1200


Ultrasound in Odessa     Our ultrasound (ultrasound) services provide high quality diagnostics for Odessa residents and visitors. Ultrasound is a reliable, safe and non-invasive method that helps doctors visualize internal organs and body structures without the use of ionizing radiation.

Ultrasound Preparation:

Before undergoing an ultrasound scan, it is important to follow a few simple guidelines. For example, for abdominal ultrasound, it is advisable to refrain from eating 6-8 hours before the procedure. For pelvic ultrasound may require a filled bladder, for which it is recommended to drink about a liter of non-carbonated water an hour before the study.

Indications for ultrasound of internal organs:

Ultrasound of internal organs is prescribed in the presence of complaints of abdominal pain, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, with suspicions of inflammatory processes, tumors, cysts and other pathologies. Also, the procedure is recommended to monitor the state of health in chronic diseases.

Types of ultrasound in the clinic ZDRAVO in Odessa:

The ZDRAVO clinic conducts various types of ultrasound studies, adapted for the diagnosis of a variety of conditions and pathologies:

  1. Abdominal ultrasound - the study of abdominal organs, including the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, spleen and kidneys.
  2. Pelvic ultrasound - used to diagnose conditions of the uterus and ovaries in women, and the prostate gland in men.
  3. Thyroid ultrasound - allows you to detect nodules, cysts or other abnormalities.
  4. Cardiac ultrasound (EchoCG) - assesses the structure and function of the heart valves and walls.
  5. Lung ultrasound - helps visualize lung structures and potential abnormalities.
  6. Breast ultrasound - important for early detection of cysts, tumors and other changes.
  7. Ultrasound of the external genitalia - for men, includes the study of the prostate gland and scrotum.
  8. Ultrasound of the urinary system - diagnosis of the kidneys, bladder and ureters.
  9. Vascular scans - detecting abnormalities in blood vessels, including arteries and veins.
  10. Joint scans - evaluating the condition of the joints and surrounding soft tissues.

These exams help our physicians diagnose and monitor a variety of diseases and conditions, providing important information for effective treatment and prevention.

Make an appointment

Why choose ultrasound in the clinic ZDRAVO:

  • modern equipment: We use the latest advances in ultrasound technology to ensure the accuracy and clarity of images.
  • qualified specialists: Our sonologists are highly qualified and have many years of experience in ultrasound.
  • wide range of examinations: We offer ultrasound of all major organ systems, including abdominal, transvaginal, transrectal, thyroid, joint and soft tissue ultrasound.
  • privacy and comfort: We guarantee complete confidentiality of your medical data and create a comfortable environment for each patient.

Recording for ultrasound of internal organs in Odessa

You can make an appointment for ultrasound procedure in ZDRAVO clinic via our web page or by phone +380638777333. We work on a schedule PH-SB from 8:00 to 20:00 to provide you with convenient time and conditions for diagnosis. Come to the address Odessa, 17, Segedskaya str.

Choose reliable and affordable diagnostics in the clinic ZDRAVO for your health and well-being!

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Багато захворювань можна виявити та попередити на ранніх стадіях. Щоб вчасно дізнатися про негативні зміни і симптоми та попередити наслідки, необхідно пройти комплексний check-up. Перевірка загального стану організму (на англ. Check Up) – набір певних діагностичних процедур для виявлення хвороби на ранній стадії. Медики рекомендують робити це щорічно, починаючи з 18 років, незалежно від статі, віку та способу життя.

it is ZDRAVO when there are no queues

it is ZDRAVO when there are no queues



m.Odesa, st. Segedska, 17

MON-FRI FROM 8.00-20.00 SAT 9.00-20.00 Enter your details so that our employee can contact you.