Oleksiy Leonidovych Slav'yanchuk

  • specialty: Gynecology
  • Category:Вища категорія
  • Experience:29 years

Key areas of activity

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category Oleksiy Leonidovych Slavyanchuk. A doctor with more than 29 years of work experience and an individual approach to each patient. Oleksiy Leonidovych conducts the reception of women, which includes consultation, diagnostics and a comprehensive approach to the health of the female body. An important area of ​​his activity is pregnancy management. It helps expectant mothers safely pass this important period in life. By conducting ultrasound up to 12 weeks, the doctor confirms the presence of pregnancy and detects early abnormalities, which allows timely measures to ensure the health of the mother and the baby. In addition, Oleksiy Leonidovych conducts ultrasound of the pelvic organs and mammary glands. These studies help to detect and control various pathologies and diseases that can occur in women.

Why people turn to Zdravo

In the ZDRAVO clinic, "extra" examinations and procedures are not prescribed, because competent specialists with extensive work experience work here. Doctors are guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine, use the latest diagnostic and treatment protocols.

You will receive counseling and treatment in comfortable conditions, without queues.

We take care of every patient!

Make a declaration with the family doctor

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m.Odesa, st. Segedska, 17

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