Otolaryngologist Kazanzhy Vadym Semenovych
- Specialization: otolaryngologist
- Category:Вища категорія
- Experience:43 years
Key areas of activity
Otolaryngologist of the highest category. Work experience - 43 years, the last 28 years - head of the city's ENT department. A good diagnostician, has all methods of examination in otolaryngology. He has extensive experience in providing emergency ENT care. In the treatment of diseases of the ears, nose and throat, he successfully combines extensive clinical experience and serious surgical skills with the latest technologies.
Why people turn to Zdravo
In the ZDRAVO clinic, "extra" examinations and procedures are not prescribed, because competent specialists with extensive work experience work here. Doctors are guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine, use the latest diagnostic and treatment protocols.
You will receive counseling and treatment in comfortable conditions, without queues.
We take care of every patient!
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Mykolaiv, Mala Morska street, 34 (intersection of M.Morska and Chkalova) St. Shoseyna, 5/1 St. Myru, 13
MON-FRI FROM 8.00-20.00 SAT 9.00-20.00 Enter your details so that our employee can contact you.