
ZDRAVO is a clinic of modern medicine in Mykolaiv. Our goal is to make modern primary medicine accessible to everyone! The ZDRAVO clinic is a private clinic in Mykolaiv, where you can worry about your health, trust the doctors and be sure of the best treatment.
it is ZDRAVO when there are no queues
We offer you to sign a free declaration with a family doctor in ZDRAVO
— Free declaration signing with a family doctor;
— Free analysis, consultation and treatment from top-class specialists: family doctors, therapists, pediatricians;
— Managing patients with chronic diseases by family doctors;
— Analysis and checkups included in the free package of services at the primary healthcare level;
— Pregnancy follow-up and care of children up to 3 years old;
— Vaccination;
— Preventive health check-ups;
— Palliative care and medical certificates;
— Referrals to secondary and tertiary care specialists: ENT, endocrinologist, surgeon, etc. (which you can visit at ZDRAVO clinic)!

Mykolaiv, Mala Morska street, 34 (intersection of M.Morska and Chkalova) St. Shoseyna, 5/1 St. Myru, 13
MON-FRI FROM 8.00-20.00 SAT 9.00-20.00 Enter your details so that our employee can contact you.