Pediatric gynecologist Krasulya Olena Stanislavivna

  • Specialization: pediatric gynecologist, акушер-гінеколог
  • Category:Вища категорія
  • Experience:26 years

Key areas of activity

Gynecologist Krasulya Olena Stanislavivna is a pediatric gynecologist of the highest category. She graduated from the Crimean Medical Institute named after S.I. Georgievsky, specializing in medical care, pediatric gynecology. The doctor is proficient in modern methods of diagnosing and treating gynecological diseases in children. During the consultation, the doctor first talks to the mother and the girl, establishes a trusting relationship, asks about complaints and then conducts an examination.

Why people turn to Zdravo

In the ZDRAVO clinic, "extra" examinations and procedures are not prescribed, because competent specialists with extensive work experience work here. Doctors are guided by the principles of evidence-based medicine, use the latest diagnostic and treatment protocols.

You will receive counseling and treatment in comfortable conditions, without queues.

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Apr 26, 2024

Udovletvoren posesheniem specialista


Dec 21, 2024

Хочу висловити щиру подяку лікарю-гінекологу за професіоналізм, уважність та чуйність. Консультація пройшла у спокійній і комфортній атмосфері, усі питання були детально роз’яснені. Лікар дуже уважно ставиться, вселяє довіру та впевненість. Рекомендую як чудового спеціаліста!

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Mykolaiv, Mala Morska street, 34 (intersection of M.Morska and Chkalova) St. Shoseyna, 5/1 St. Myru, 13

MON-FRI FROM 8.00-20.00 SAT 9.00-20.00 Enter your details so that our employee can contact you.