Послуга Ultrasound (ultrasound examination)

by appointment

it is ZDRAVO to take care about your health



Bladder ultrasound with determination of residual urine 450
breast ultrasound 400
Cardiac ultrasound (EchoCG) in Nikolaev 700
Doppler and ultrasound of the kidneys 900
Doppler blood vessels of the head and neck 800
Doppler head vessels 600
Doppler of the arteries of one leg 600
Doppler of the arteries of the hands 500
Doppler of the veins of one leg 500
Doppler of the veins of the hands 500
Doppler of the vessels of the neck 600
Doppler of two legs arteries 900
Doppler of veins and arteries of the hands 900
Doppler of veins and arteries of the legs 900
Doppler two leg veins 900
Folliculometry - 1 session 300
Kidney Doppler 700
Monitoring the installation of the intrauterine device 200
Neurosonography 500
Ultrasonography Bladder with determination of residual urine + prostate gland + scrotum 850
Ultrasonography Kidneys + adrenal glands + bladder with determination of residual urine + prostate gland + scrotum 900
Ultrasonography of the ankle joint 500
Ultrasonography of the hip joint 600
Ultrasonography of the kidneys 300
Ultrasonography of the penis 700
Ultrasonography of the salivary glands 400
Ultrasonography of the testicle (testicles) 400
Ultrasonography of the thymus 500
Ultrasonography of the thyroid gland 400
Ultrasound Duplex scanning of the vessels of the neck + thyroid gland 750
Ultrasound Duplex scanning of vessels of the neck 600
Ultrasound Lymph nodes - 1 zone 250
Ultrasound of mammary glands + uterus + ovaries intravaginally 750
Ultrasound of one joint 600
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity (liver + gallbladder + bile ducts + pancreas + spleen + portal system vessels) 500
Ultrasound of the gallbladder and trial breakfast 500
Ultrasound of the kidney + bladder with determination of residual urine 500
Ultrasound of the kidneys + adrenal glands 400
Ultrasound of the knee joint 400
Ultrasound of the lungs 350
Ultrasound of the pleural cavity 400
Ultrasound of the prostate gland (transabdominal + rectal examination) 500
Ultrasound of the prostate gland (transabdominal examination) 500
Ultrasound of the scrotum 500
Ultrasound of the shoulder joint 400
Ultrasound of the thyroid gland + mammary glands + uterus + ovaries intravaginally 850
Ultrasound of the uterus + ovaries + bladder 600
Ultrasound of the uterus + ovaries intravaginally 500
Ultrasound of the uterus + ovaries transabdominal 450
Ultrasound of two joints 750
Ultrasound Soft tissue - 1 zone 300
УЗД молочні залози + матка + яєчники трансабдомінально 750
УЗД нирки + наднирники + сечовий міхур з визначенням залишкової сечі + передміхурова залоза 800
УЗД сечовий міхур з визначенням залишкової сечі + передміхурова залоза 700
УЗД щитоподібна залоза + молочні залози + матка + яєчники трансабдомінально 950

Ultrasonography in Mykolaiv       

Ultrasound diagnostics (ultrasound) is a safe, painless and accurate examination method that allows you to assess the condition of internal organs and body systems. In our clinic in Mykolaiv, ultrasound is performed using modern equipment that guarantees a high level of image detail, which allows doctors to accurately diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Ultrasound is first and foremost:

  • Safety, because ultrasound does not use radiation, so it is suitable for patients of all ages, including pregnant women.
  • Speed and comfort, as the examination takes only a few minutes and does not require invasive interventions.
  • Accuracy, because modern ultrasound machines allow you to get clear images of organs, which helps to detect even the slightest abnormalities.

What can be examined with the help of ultrasound?

  • Abdominal organs (liver, kidneys, pancreas, etc.)
  • Thyroid gland
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Pelvic organs
  • Mammary glands
  • Joints and muscles

Preparation for examination

Some types of ultrasound require preliminary preparation, such as an empty stomach or drinking water before the procedure. Our administrators will provide you with all the necessary recommendations during the appointment. 

Make an appointment

No special preparation is required:

- ultrasonography of the thyroid gland;

- ultrasound examination of scrotal organs;

- ultrasound examination of soft tissues;

- ultrasound examination of thymus gland;

- ultrasound examination of peripheral lymph nodes.

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Many health problems can be diagnosed and prevented in the early stages. In order to timely detect negative changes and symptoms as well as to prevent the consequences, it is necessary to do a complex check-up. Doctors recommend doing it annually, starting from the age of 18, no matter the gender, age, and lifestyle.

it is ZDRAVO when there are no queues

it is ZDRAVO when there are no queues



Mykolaiv, Mala Morska street, 34 (intersection of M.Morska and Chkalova) St. Shoseyna, 5/1 St. Myru, 13

MON-FRI FROM 8.00-20.00 SAT 9.00-20.00 Enter your details so that our employee can contact you.